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Showing posts from January, 2015

Sabaai Sabaai

Hello everyone and happy new year! I had an amamzing New Year with the students of the NRTC and the YWAM team from Kona (Bora, Corinne, Maeve, Josh, I miss your faces!) God be with them wherever they go during the rest of their outreach <3 The team and I are staying in Nong Bua Lam Phu, in the province of Isaan, which northeast Thailand. We will be in the area from Jan 3-21/22. We are in the country, far from big cities. The land here is so beautiful! It reminds me of the countryside in Guyana when I visited as a child. There is sugarcane as far as the eye can see. I think it's a big export here. Over the last few days, I've had fresh picked bananas, small pomegranates, star fruit, and there are tamarind trees, one of my favourite fruits, in the backyard of the church we are currently staying in. There is such a great sense of community here. The elders here that work at the church are like grandmas and grandpas. One lady just absolutely loves me. Gives me t...