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Showing posts from July, 2015

Believing Is Receving

Hello All! I know I haven't posted anything in a while. It has been a busy time here in Thailand.  Here is a sermon I wrote to keep your spirits up. If you like what you read, please send me an email to and let me know! I love hearing testimonies on how God has been changing hearts around the world! Stay blessed and forever focused on the goal! Believing Is Receiving You have heard people say, “I will believe it when I see it.” Generally, that is the way the world thinks. But God’s ways are not like the ways of the world. The world says,” If I can’t feel it or see it, I cannot believe the miracle is here.” God says, “If you believe it before you feel it or see it, you will see your miracle.” Believing first before seeing the evidence of what we believing for is called faith. We are going to look at Hebrews 11 – known as the “living by faith” chapter. This chapter highlights numerous ancestors that lived by faith. The original re...