Yesterday, March 13th 2019, a major event hit this generation around the world. No, it wasn't a political protest to inaction on climate change. No, it wasn't a petition to have Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, to step down from office. It wasn't even a viral video of a cat! This major event hit us right in our life source, our first love when we wake up, our all in all. If you still don't know what I am talking about, the major event was that Instagram, Facebook, and Whatsapp, apps all under the Facebook umbrella, were down for nearly 8 hours, if not more. As a millennial, these apps are like our digital best friend. When we're bored, we scroll. When we like something, we double tap to show love. We waste copious amounts of hours on these apps. I know I am at fault as well. We live in a world where most want to be Instagram famous. We live our lives looking through thousands of posts of 1:1 ratio, properly filtered pictures of others "perfect momen...
Have you ever felt like you just don't have "it"? That gift to "win people for Christ"? We think some people do, but not me. "I can't make them believe." "I don't have a persuasive enough message." "I don't know a strong enough creation argument." It seems so humanly impossible to simply have a 5-10 minute conversation with someone about the good news of the Gospel, totally transform their thinking, and *poof* after our eloquent account of the Biblical narrative, they're a Christian. well, you're is HUMANLY impossible, but very much possible through the trans-formative work of the Holy Spirit. There is something that we do all have control over and hold responsibility for; a person's HEARING of the Gospel. "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." - Romans 10:17 (ESV) Okay... but people still fine evangelism unbelievable. May I suggest it is because w...