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The Best Yes


It has been a long time since I have posted a blog update. Two years to be exact. "So what have you been up to?" you may be asking. Well, mostly working. When I came home from my last missions adventure, I got a job and did the mundane life. Wake up. Work. Sleep. Repeat. To say I was bored out of my mind is an understatement. Now I know I am called to Toronto, but I was missing the mission field. I was no longer being satisfied in the culinary industry. God was calling me back to YWAM (Youth With A Mission) but I was hurting from the last time I went from April-Oct 2015. That season was not easy and the leaders and staff were not for me and I was in hurt I couldn't get out of. So when God called me back, I told him "hell no!" In the year and some I was home, I tried applying for an apprenticeship with Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. Three times I applied! THREE TIMES! And I wasn't accepted. I talked to many leaders from Elevation from worship leaders on Elevation Worship to even the Campus Pastor of Ballantyne and they all said I had what they were looking for. The heart, the passion, the vision of Elevation. So why didn't get in? I've realized it was my motives behind wanting the apprenticeship. One, it is a paid apprenticeship. I could be in ministry and get paid for it? Awesome! I would be able to look successful, keyword LOOK. I would be able to get a car, a very nice place on my own, would be able to save money, and can take care of my mom. Now. is there anything wrong with those desires? Not really. It's great to have aspirations for success in a sphere that you love but when the motive is money? Two, I was trying to make my own future. As if I was telling the uncreated God of the universe to get on board with my plans. When I realized I was trying to be my own god, repentance and humility was all I knew. Falling to my face, weeping for forgiveness, the Holy Spirit met me and I had a vision. It was God smiling down at me and offering His hand. "Will you trust me again with your future? Will you take this opportunity?" I didn't say yes right away. To be honest, the logical came over me because it is absolutely crazy to believe in the illogical. To trust someone you can't see with a future you can't see. I had to think about it. Was I ready to fully trust God again with YWAM? For a few weeks, it was all I could think about. A constant arguing in my head of giving God excuses and Him giving the same vision of His hand offering me this opportunity. Thank God my Father is the definition of patience! In the summer of 2016, I start a new job. It was great hours with great people, but I knew I didn't belong. I needed to be in the world telling people about Jesus. I hated cooking. It got to the point where I was crying in agony to get out of the industry. It was the beginning of January of this year and my pastor, Steven Furtick, of Elevation Church was talking about working your window. He was taking about the window of opportunity will not stay open forever. I went home, knelt by bed, and asked God what He required of me. "I desperately want to see what You can do through me. Father, what area is it You want to use me in?" AGAIN, the vision of Him smiling down at me with His hand out came to me but this time, there was a window slowly closing. "YWAM,eh? Ok. I will trust You again in this. May Your will be done." I only had this opportunity or else it was gone. I applied for the current April semester in February, not leaving a lot of time to get affairs in order and raise money. I held a birthday fundraising dinner, got my taxes done, drove around the GTA to make this YWAM adventure possible. It was and still is a worrisome thing trying to figure out where the money will come from but since saying 'yes' to God, His hand has moved mountains for me to be here in Hawaii.

I tried to do life my own way and I have come to the conclusion that that is not an option for a Christ follower. It's either you follow the will of God or you don't. Obey or disobey. Yes or no. My question for you, dear reader, is what is God asking you to do that you're saying no to? Because whatever it may be, the window is closing and you are going to lose it. Now I don't know the will of God for everyone's life but I know for my life, I don't want to miss any opportunity He places in front of me.

Since being here in Kona, Hawaii, God has been doing many things in the lives of my fellow students. This season is not necessarily about what God is going to do FOR me but what He is going to do THROUGH me. He is using me in discipling my roommates in love, speaking out what the Holy Spirit is saying in my heart in courage, and believing for incredible miracles in faith. At night, when I'm trying to sleep, I imagine what my life would currently be if I said no and let the opportunity pass me by. I would be miserable, disappointed in myself, and honestly, my faith would have dwindled and I would have started a slow descent away from God.

I want to thank everyone that has donated towards this dream so far! We just found out yesterday where we will be going for outreaches. The locations are Brasil, Papua New Guinea, Cambodia, the Himalayas, and Kona/Iceland. My team will be going to the Himalayas and I am so excited! Financially, I still need to raise $5500 USD by the first week of June. If you would like to donate, click the link below

God didn't bring me 7,432 KM from home to just to leave me and I know He hasn't left you either. Say yes to the Father and I promise you it will be your best yes.

 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; "He will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6,

"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.  "Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
Deuteronomy 31:8



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