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A Good Work Has Been Started

Hello family in Christ,

My DTS is almost over and the team and I will soon be going to Thailand for the next 3 months (just 8 more days!) I've made a video update of what I have learned since I lasted posted and there is also a link to the team's outreach video at the bottom of that.

If you've noticed on the right-hand side, I have linked a PayPal subscribe button! (More details on that in the video).

Thank you to everyone that have been praying and donating. I am truly appreciative, humbled, and blessed to have such amazing supporters that are not only investing in me but you are investing in the Kingdom.

Here is the team video. You can also support us as a whole (Details at the end of the video)

6And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
Philippians 1:6


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