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Showing posts from 2015

Is Christmas For Me?

As I walk around the decorated streets lit up for Christmas, pass the doors with pretty homemade wreathes, hear the sounds of joy-filled songs, and see the busy malls full of stressed out moms,I wonder… Throughout this season, do people stop and think… Is there more to this season? Is there a missing link?  Maybe you’re reading this and wondering if the historical events surrounding the Christian Christmas celebrations actually affect you. Or maybe you know someone who is contemplating this, and perhaps you could share this message with them? Christmas is FOR you. For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16  You see, Christmas is all about God coming to this earth in human form as Jesus. “Emmanuel, God with us.” To give us life. He came for you. To save you. To rescue all of humanity from darkness. …but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I br...

Believing Is Receving

Hello All! I know I haven't posted anything in a while. It has been a busy time here in Thailand.  Here is a sermon I wrote to keep your spirits up. If you like what you read, please send me an email to and let me know! I love hearing testimonies on how God has been changing hearts around the world! Stay blessed and forever focused on the goal! Believing Is Receiving You have heard people say, “I will believe it when I see it.” Generally, that is the way the world thinks. But God’s ways are not like the ways of the world. The world says,” If I can’t feel it or see it, I cannot believe the miracle is here.” God says, “If you believe it before you feel it or see it, you will see your miracle.” Believing first before seeing the evidence of what we believing for is called faith. We are going to look at Hebrews 11 – known as the “living by faith” chapter. This chapter highlights numerous ancestors that lived by faith. The original re...

Faith in Finances

I am no accountant or financial advisor and I will only speak on my own personal experiences, what I know, and what the Bible says on faith in finances. Being a missionary in training has come at a cost and is financially risky. When I chose to give up a lucrative career in cooking to be a part of the Great Commission, I knew I'd be broke longer than I'd like. Worrying where the money is going to come from with my current and future time with YWAM but what worried me the most is wondering how in the world is my mom going to take care of herself. But for the last 10 months of not being financially secure, God has taught me to trust and fully rely on Him to provide for my needs and my mom's needs. My Father is so much bigger. When I first started fund raising, I disliked it. Growing up, I watched my mom beg, at times, people to provide for us and when I was old enough, I vowed that I will never beg for what I need and I will be as independent as possible. So when I starte...

Trust and Obey

Hey all, Sorry I haven't written anything in over a month. Dealing with negativity and life, it's been hard to find inspiration to write a post. I've spent a lot of time staring at my ceiling, asking God why. Why bipolar? Why my appearance? Why choose me to spread Your word? Why me? These questions, plus depression, have had me up late into the mornings. I also haven't been working therefore making me feel very useless. There's been a feeling of nothingness. But I'm not useless and the truth is God has been using me.   I've talked to a lot of young adults the last couple of months I've been home. It's usually the same conversation; I tell them about YWAM and the 6 month experience and how amazing God is, they stare at me, like deer in headlights, in complete awe. "Omg! That sounds so amazing! I wanna do missions". "Well, what's stopping you from doing it?", I'd ask. And kid you not, the person's response is always ...

I Have A Dream...

Hey all!, It's 6 am and I just finished watching "Selma", a chronicle of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s  three month campaign to secure voting rights through a then dangerous march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. The epic march advanced the signing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, one of the most significant victories for the civil rights movement. The movement prompted a change that forever altered history. Dr. MLK was a man of God. God gave him a vision, a dream. Those that were close to Dr. King said that he never made a move or present an idea or sermon or a speech without praying first. All of what he did was following the voice of God and pursuing a dream of the "promise land" that he unfortunately never got to see. In my younger years, I use to go to "Saturday school". While my friends got to sleep in on Saturdays, I had more schooling on the weekend. I would do English and Math. My teacher, Mr. Paul is his name use to say, ...

More Than A Conqueror

Hey Friends!, This post is long overdue! I was struggling to find the words to express the adventure of Thailand and then there was a turn of events that has made it even harder to write this post. I'll just get straight to the point...I was sent home. 3 weeks before outreach is suppose to be over.  Back in December, when the team and I first arrived in Pattaya, I was having a hard time spiritually (may have mentioned that in previous post, "Hope Is..."). In a moment of frustration, weakness, and selfishness, I had chose to leave the premises of where we were, go to a restaurant, and get a beer. Though, non-alcoholic, but it was the appearance of drinking. I also had a butt of dirty cigarette. "Don't drink, smoke, or go out alone or you will be sent home. No negotiation." .................................... The training leader for YWAM Vancouver and the co-leader for this DTS came to visit us on our last location, Mae Sot (may-sought). I had a one-o...

Sabaai Sabaai

Hello everyone and happy new year! I had an amamzing New Year with the students of the NRTC and the YWAM team from Kona (Bora, Corinne, Maeve, Josh, I miss your faces!) God be with them wherever they go during the rest of their outreach <3 The team and I are staying in Nong Bua Lam Phu, in the province of Isaan, which northeast Thailand. We will be in the area from Jan 3-21/22. We are in the country, far from big cities. The land here is so beautiful! It reminds me of the countryside in Guyana when I visited as a child. There is sugarcane as far as the eye can see. I think it's a big export here. Over the last few days, I've had fresh picked bananas, small pomegranates, star fruit, and there are tamarind trees, one of my favourite fruits, in the backyard of the church we are currently staying in. There is such a great sense of community here. The elders here that work at the church are like grandmas and grandpas. One lady just absolutely loves me. Gives me t...