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I Have A Dream...

Hey all!,

It's 6 am and I just finished watching "Selma", a chronicle of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s  three month campaign to secure voting rights through a then dangerous march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. The epic march advanced the signing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, one of the most significant victories for the civil rights movement. The movement prompted a change that forever altered history.

Dr. MLK was a man of God. God gave him a vision, a dream. Those that were close to Dr. King said that he never made a move or present an idea or sermon or a speech without praying first. All of what he did was following the voice of God and pursuing a dream of the "promise land" that he unfortunately never got to see.

In my younger years, I use to go to "Saturday school". While my friends got to sleep in on Saturdays, I had more schooling on the weekend. I would do English and Math. My teacher, Mr. Paul is his name use to say, "study hard here and during your normal school week. Be smarter than the white man (this is how he talks, he wasn't a bigot or bitter towards anyone). Gain head knowledge. If you have a dream, pursue it." As he said that, he pointed to a wall with a picture of MLK." I remember saying, with confidence, "I know who that is". Mr. Paul in turns retorts, "Oh yeah? who is he?" "Well, that's Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 'I Have A Dream' guy." Mr. Paul slyly smiled at me and let me tell you, I regretted my young, naive, confidence. He walked away and moment later came back with a 300 page book. "This is Dr. MLK biography. You have two weeks to read this and write a one page summary and how you felt." That night, I began to read and read and read. As an 11 year old, I was so inspired. It was then that I realized I wanted to pursue a dream. Whatever it was, I was going to pursue it. I finished the book during the week and wrote the summary. Since then, I've been on a journey.

Two years ago, December 2013, I had a vision of my heart and my mindset changing, being in a tropical country working with kids, teens, the elderly. Praying for the lost and speaking life and love into their lives. Nine months later, I did a DTS and went on an outreach that made that vision, that dream an amazing reality and I got to share it with a group of cool people that are on the pursuit of their dream.

I have an overall vision of seeing a generation of teens and young adults that will stand up for those that can't because of religious circumstances, because they're a girl and their voice is not valued or considered. A generation that says "NO MORE". A generation that stands for equality, unity, love, and understanding. A generation for God.

I have a dream.... What's yours?



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