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Showing posts from 2014

Hope Is....

Hello from THAILAND! It has been a crazy ride so far and it's only week 2! Lecture phase in Vancouver was definitely the vacation. There have been amazing moments, like working with Pattaya Slum Ministries. They go out to the slums of Pattaya and minister and help the kids. From cleaning their wounds and cutting their nails to having "Sunday school" lessons and teaching them about Jesus, Angela, her husband Thea, Pin, and Lauren have such a love for these kids. I loved playing with the kids for the first week and half in Pattaya. For some of us, including myself, it was hard to leave them to continue our journey to Bangkok. They definitely stole our hearts.  There have also been very hard moments. Pattaya is a tourist hotspot. A lot of them were Eastern Europeans, like Russia. Where we were staying in Pattaya, Rodem House, was a 10 minute walk from the beach and oh! The food!  Don't get me started on the food! But there's a street called soi (pronounced...

He Calls Me Freedom

Earlier this year, I made the mistake of telling God two things: 1) I want to do something reckless and out of the blue and 2) I want to be stretched and challenged beyond my comfort zone. Let me tell you, that was a dumb thing to speak into existence.  As a seasoned "chef", you develop a mental flavour bank based on many years of experience. I can create a dish, in my head, and know exactly how it would taste. I know what to expect. That's what I did before and after applying for this Discipleship Training School. I talked to people that have gone through it. I spent hours on the YWAM websites trying to gain some kind of taste. When I boarded my 11am flight on September 16th  leaving Pearson, I thought I knew exactly what to expect of this dish I spent 6 months learning about. That's when I heard God laugh and say, "I'm proud of you for obeying your call, but you have no idea what I'm about to do to you and through you." This honeymoon has been ...

Account Number Update

Hey All, It's come to my attention that my TD bank account number is wrong. Seeing as my blog is public, posting my account number would be a security issue. I ask that people email me at and I will send you the correct account number. I also encourage everyone to donate to my paypal account. You can invest and partner with me as a monthly donor or even make a one time donation! I will be doing an update on the overall experience of the Lecture phase titled, "He Calls Me Freedom". Continue to pray for the team and I and I'll talk to you soon Adriana

A Good Work Has Been Started

Hello family in Christ, My DTS is almost over and the team and I will soon be going to Thailand for the next 3 months (just 8 more days!) I've made a video update of what I have learned since I lasted posted and there is also a link to the team's outreach video at the bottom of that. If you've noticed on the right-hand side, I have linked a PayPal subscribe button! (More details on that in the video). Thank you to everyone that have been praying and donating. I am truly appreciative, humbled, and blessed to have such amazing supporters that are not only investing in me but you are investing in the Kingdom. Here is the team video. You can also support us as a whole (Details at the end of the video) 6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6

Forgiveness and the Process of Healing

Week 3 - The Father Heart of God with RenĂ© Laframboise Week 4 - Relational Wholeness with Living Waters Canada Hello friends and family! Sorry I didn't do this past Sunday. So here's what's been happening in Vancouver. Week 3 This week was particularly hard for me. Not only did I lose a friend but it was a topic I had a hard time understanding. Rene, a French Canadian and psychologist, broke the week down into six (6) sessions: Discovering our identity in Christ and developing a healthy love relationship, false concepts, uprooting the false concepts, understanding God's governance, receiving the Father's comfort and affirmation, and to be reconciled with our earthly Fathers and the process of forgiving.  I never knew my biological father and so I projected that onto God. I never saw God as a Father. It just didn't "click". All I've ever had was my mom so the concept of God the Father just didn't "click". I never had a father/d...

Ask, Seek, Knock

WEEK 1 - Recognizing God's Voice with Joanna Pallister  WEEK 2 - The Nature and Character of God with Tanya Lyons Wow! what an amazing last 2 weeks here in Vancouver! There is so much to say, I don't even know where to begin. WEEK 1 The first official week of classes started with recognizing the voice of God. A week I thought would be hard, since I haven't God speak to me since telling me that I am going to YWAM. But, I prayed about it and opened up my heart and willed myself to let God do His thing. And of course, He did! One of the first questions Joanna asked us was "when was there a time in your life when you didn't recognize God's voice?" Keyword being recognize and not heard because we all hear God's voice, we just realize it's Him. Joanna asked us to bow our heads, close our eyes, sit in complete silence, and just...listen. At first, with my overactive mind, I was thinking about lunch, how silly this exercise was. "I haven...

Orientation Week!

What a week so far! Arrived here in Burnaby, B.C. early afternoon last Tuesday and my word, it is gorgeous out here! I don't think I would be so excited to see mountains. On Sept. 18-20, the team for this year and I went camping in Hope, an hour and half East of Vancouver and it was even more gorgeous than the city. Evergreens and maple tress at least 3-4 stories high. We were so high up in altitude, I swear, if you used a ladder, you could pull a cloud out of the sky. And to think, God just spoke all of this into existence! For the first few days, I wanted to come home. Back to my surroundings, back to my comfort zone. I felt like I wasn't being accepted into the group because I'm quieter than most. I felt alone. But I realized, it was a lie from the devil to get me to give up on the beginning of God's plan for me. When I got on the plane in Toronto, saying good-bye to my mom, my home, I wasn't nervous. When I had a layover in Calgary, still wasn't nerv...